Website security
As always there have been many recent articles about website security. One such story was published by It lists three main considerations when protecting a website. The first is to set up Secure Shell (SSH), so that logging on to a server is much more secure. The second is to learn to protect against DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. This is when sites are malevolently bombarded with requests, so that the server literally can’t cope with the calls on its data and space. These attacks are quite malicious because sometimes the website owner is unaware of the attack until their site literally falls over. The third, and I do keep banging on about this, is regular software updates. Keeping a website up to date is probably the most important part of keeping it secure. We check your site regularly for security updates as part of our maintenance contracts. To discuss how we can help, please call us on 01237 420417 or email us on
Reasons why you should build your website in WordPress
The Entrepreneur produced a list of why you should, as a small business, build your site in WordPress. Amongst other things it highlights the ease of use and the fact that it’s SEO friendly, thus encouraging people to visit your site. In its basic form WordPress is ideal for the small business and can give you an almost immediate web presence. However, I am not comfortable with its automatic security updates because if you have changed any of the back-end files, WordPress will overwrite them and that can be a disaster if you haven’t got a backup.
Web development trends reported on the latest trends in web development. One of which is saying goodbye to Flash. I have to say I have never been a big fan as it bugs me as a user of sites. I hate waiting for Flash to load, but moreover I don’t like things playing in the background when I haven’t instructed them to.
It also reported that mobile compatibility and security are obviously major considerations in any web development.
Customer service from your website
An article published in highlights the focus on customer service that all websites should adhere to. As the article states: “The rationale here is that your website is the representation of your business online.” Providing good, on-line customer service includes the look and feel of the site, the ease of navigation and, most importantly of all, if you ask me, does the copy help the consumer, i.e. does it provide what they are looking for. There’s no point in being ranked first in Google for a page about sausages, if when the client arrives on your site, you talk about potatoes. A trite example, but you can see what I’m getting at.